Happy National Friendship Week.
Many people will walk in and out of your life.
But only true friends will leave footprints in
your heart.
To handle yourself, use your head;
To handle others, use your heart.

Anger is only one letter short of danger.
If someone betrays you once, it is his fault;
If he betrays you twice, it is your fault.

Great minds discuss ideas;
Average minds discuss events;
Small minds discuss people.

He, who loses money, loses much;
He, who loses a friend, loses much more;
He, who loses faith, loses all.

Beautiful young people are accidents of nature,

Learn from the mistakes of others.
You can't live long enough to make them all

  Friends, you and me ....
You brought another friend ....
And then there were 3 ....
We started our group ....
Our circle of friends ....
There is no beginning or end ....

Yesterday is history.
Tomorrow is mystery.
Today is a gift.

It's National Friendship Week.
Show your friends how much you care ....
Send this to everyone you consider a FRIEND.
If it comes back to you, then you'll know you
have a circle of

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